Clementine Ford used to be a phone sex operator

Clementine Ford phone sex operator

Prior to making a “career” out of being a man hating feminist, Clementine Ford worked as a phone sex operator.

It appears her motivation for doing so was partly money, and partly due to the fact that no boys found her attractive or wanted to have sex with her. It is believed that this was the main reason she became a feminist.

In the article she mentions:

After spending my entire adolescence in the barren wilderness of the chronically untouched, I’d finally found a boy willing to not just press his lips against mine but his groin as well. It made a nice change from my school days, which had been characterised by my innate understanding that I was not the kind of girl who could expect a boy to find her physically attractive.

As the article continues, she goes onto say how she became a phone sex operator with a friend of hers. Even in her job as a phone sex operator, men couldn’t stand the sound of Clementine Ford’s voice. Her friend would earn at least $600 a month, while poor old Clementine was lucky to earn $10 a month.

While Melissa was cashing grand cheques of at least $600 a month and fielding offers of marriage from the regulars who’d decided they’d fallen in love with ‘Sophie’, my cheques often totalled less than $10. 

Surprisingly, she even felt sorry for some lonely men she received calls from who didn’t even want to talk about sex. Such a contrast to her vile “kill all men” speech today.

But it was unbearably sad to receive calls from men not even interested in sex. Lonely men with no one to talk to, who wanted someone not only to share in the minutiae of their day but also their passions and dreams at a starting price of $3.95 a minute. All these years later, it still makes me sad to think that there are people for whom human contact is in short supply.

In the end, she decided to give it up after this phone call:

I decided to pack it in after one too many men gave me the response to their ultimate fantasy.
‘I want you to suck my dick.’
‘Okay,’ I sighed. ‘But only if you promise to come in my mouth.’
I gripped my cheek and fluttered it the way Maria had shown me. I said all the right things, like how I’d never seen one that big, and how sucking cock was my favourite thing to do in the whole world, and please would he give me some more. He groaned and spluttered, jerked and yelled and within the space of a few minutes it was all over.

