Make Australia great again – Pauline Hanson for PM!

Feminism is over

Feminists are scared, very scared. They know their days are numbered and a big change is coming. Trump winning the US presidential election has shown that people have had enough. They have had enough of political correctness and feminism that plagues the USA.

Feminists have brought this upon themselves by pushing their female supremacist movement too far. Did they really expect it would last forever? Over the past few years, there has been a growing backlash against feminism. Read the comments (if they haven’t yet been disabled) of any man bashing news article in Australia and it will be full of backlash. Ten years ago you’d be lucky to see one or two comments against feminism. Today you will see hundreds, and they make up the majority of the comments.

Perhaps the most important thing of all is the rise of women against feminism. In the US election, a whopping 53% of white women voted for Trump. This came as a huge shock to feminists, and they didn’t realise just how many women are now against feminism. In the Anti-Feminism Australia group at least half of our admins are now women. We have many female members in the group and have also noticed a huge increase in the number of women joining our movement. There are also Facebook groups such as “women against feminism” which has over 42,000 members.

Pauline Hanson for PM

Feminists know the game is over when women are “betraying the sisterhood” in droves. This makes them angrier than anything else. An anti-feminist woman is probably equivalent to 5 anti-feminist men in terms of damage to the feminist movement. If feminists can’t even get their fellow sisters on their side anymore, what hope do they have?

So getting back to the victory of Trump. How does this affect feminism in Australia? Because the people of Australia have now seen that if Trump can become president of the USA, then surely Australia can have a Trump like president as well. Australians are sick of politicians who pander to the needs of women just to win female votes.

Australia needs an anti-feminist, MRA, straight talker Prime Minister to clean up all the misandry in this country. Who is the best person for the job? I would personally say Mark Latham but since he is no longer in politics, our best chance is now Pauline Hanson. Pauline Hanson’s popularity has surged since the last Australian election, and continues to grow. This puts her in the best position to become Prime Minister of Australia in the next election. You may laugh now but I can assure you if the victory of Trump is possible, we could easily see Pauline Hanson as the next Prime Minister of Australia.

In this video, Pauline Hanson congratulates Trump and says she is thrilled with his victory.

Last night on the ABC show Q&A, one feminist in the audience asked the panel if Pauline Hanson is likely to ever become PM. The audience burst out in laughter, and feminists on the panel respond with a firm “no”. Laugh it up now feminists, because that’s exactly what people did with the idea of a Trump president. I can’t wait to see all those feminist tears once Pauline Hanson becomes PM.

Although Pauline has never stated it, she is clearly an anti-feminist and a Men’s Rights Activist. She has liked a few of my anti-feminist comments that I’ve left on her page using the page name of “Anti-Feminism Australia”. She has also promised that she will make child custody laws fairer on men, address the male suicide epidemic, and help male victims of domestic violence.

Feminists have shown they are desperate for a female President/Prime Minister, just because they have a vagina. So you can just imagine the mental gymnastics and conflict going on inside their head if Pauline Hanson were PM. On one hand they want a female PM, but on the other hand they hate the fact she is an anti-feminist and MRA.

In my opinion, having a female anti-feminist PM is probably even better than having a male anti-feminist one. Why? Because women against feminism can get away with a whole lot more and can’t be accused of being a “misogynist” or a “woman hater”. Feminists will have a strong urge to call Hanson a “misogynistic pig”, but realise they can’t because she’s a woman. So what will they do? Blame it on the patriarchy or “internalised misogyny” so they can still find a way to blame men.

Be afraid feminists, be very afraid. Your days are numbered.

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