Clementine Ford bullies disabled man


Just when you thought she couldn’t sink any lower, feminist Clementine Ford has bullied a mentally disabled man on Facebook.

Clementine Ford shared this post on her Facebook page after self proclaimed feminist Laura Miller (link removed as it appears she deleted her Facebook account) made a post about it.

Clementine Ford bullies disabled man
Laura was travelling on a Tram in Melbourne when she came across a mentally disabled man giving high fives to a few women. She claims that he was being a “creep” to these women, and “invading their personal space”. You see, to feminists like Laura everything looks like sexual harassment – even a mentally disabled man giving high fives to women. Laura was so blinded by her hatred of men that she failed to see he was mentally disabled. Instead, she took a photo of him so she could publicly shame him on Facebook and start a witch hunt.

Clementine Ford bullies disabled man Clementine Ford bullies disabled man Clementine Ford bullies disabled man Clementine Ford bullies disabled manKeep in mind that this was just her side of her story and yet she still looks like a cunt. If we heard the guy’s or anyone else’s narration of the event, I’m pretty sure we’d hear something completely different. The dailymail also jumped on the bandwagon, believing the story told by this bigot.

It is believed that Laura’s post had around 80,000 likes and thousands of shares from feminists. After the post went viral, feminists found the guy online and started harassing him with hate messages. Several people who knew the guy sent Laura messages asking her to take the post down because he was mentally disabled.

Clementine Ford bullies disabled man


Clementine Ford bullies disabled man

Clementine Ford bullies disabled man

Clementine Ford bullies disabled man

Laura has since removed the post after receiving abuse and dick pics from people who were angry at her for attacking a disabled man. Clementine Ford was also quick to remove her post to try and hide any evidence of her attacking a disabled man. Unfortunately for these bigots, many of us had already taken screenshots. These screenshots will forever be online to expose the vile behaviour hatred of these feminists. It is also believed that some people sent these screenshots to police so she could be charged with bullying a mentally disabled person and defamation.

Clementine Ford bullies disabled man

Feminists such as Clementine Ford are known for using vigilante style justice to ruin the lives of men. As many of you may recall, she has got a boy suspended from school, and a man fired from his job. As feminists aren’t known for using facts or evidence, it was only a matter of time before a case like this backfired on them. Will they learn their lesson after being exposed for bullying and shaming a disabled man? Sadly, I doubt it. We all know feminists will use any opportunity possible to bash men to support their narrative.




  1. I know a few young women who still think Clem Ford is a role model. The sad thing is that we used to be friends. They’re good people, but have been morally confused by all this feminism bullshit (and if you read that as “therefore I oppose women’s rights”, then you are the exact kind of confused I’m talking about).

    I hope one day they realise what’s been going on all this time. Clementine Ford is a shameless reprobate. If she had even a scrap of human decency, she would have at least owned up to a fuckup of this magnitude. I know it’s unlikely, but I hope one day she notices how genuinely shitty a human being she’s been. It might be naieve of me, but I have to believe that most people are capable of turning things around.