Female pedestrian crossing lights to be installed throughout Victoria


In the feminist state of Victoria, a feminist group has announced that they will replace half of all pedestrian crossing lights throughout Victoria with the female silhouette. According to feminists, this campaign is to combat “unconscious bias”. To celebrate man bashing day International Women’s Day, the group have already replaced ten pedestrian figures dressed in skirts across traffic lights in Melbourne CBD.

Female pedestrian crossing lights“The idea is to install traffic lights with female representation, as well as male representation, to help reduce unconscious bias,” Chief executive Martine Letts told the ABC.

“The aim is to move towards one-to-one male and female representation across the state of Victoria.”

Fiona Richardson, Minister for Women, backed the move, saying it would make public space more inclusive of women.

“There are many small – but symbolically significant – ways that women are excluded from public space,” she said in a statement.

It reportedly costs an average of $8,400 to change six traffic lights – money which could be better spent helping the homeless (who are mostly men) in Melbourne.

Robert Doyle, The lord mayor, also criticised the scheme.

“I’m all for doing anything we can for gender equity, but really?” he was quoted as saying by the Herald Sun. “Unfortunately, I think this sort of costly exercise is more likely to bring derision.”

Many feminists have praised the move, with one saying “Making Melbourne more beautiful”.
Female pedestrian crossing
Thankfully there are some women with common sense as well:

Female pedestrian crossing

Oh and since feminists are all for “gender equality” why aren’t they also changing the signs at school crossings with the silhouette of a mother taking her child to school? Do they not realise that fathers also take their child to school?

Female pedestrian crossing lights




