Has Clementine Ford been banned from Facebook?
Many are wondering why Clementine Fords page is down from Facebook. Before you start celebrating, no she hasn't been banned unfortunately.
It appears as though...
Van Badham – The next Clementine Ford?
We have been hearing more of misandrist Van Badham in the media lately.
For those who haven't heard, Van is a classic feminist who likes to play...
Clementine Ford vs Blokes Advice
There is a war on facebook between Clementine Ford and the secret group "blokes advice". The group "blokes advice" is reported to have a massive...
Clementine Ford teaching your children
Are your children safe?
Misandrist Clementine Ford appears to be visiting local schools in Melbourne as a guest speaker. She is "teaching" students topics such...
Why you should never attack Clementine Ford
So recently I was thinking, why does Clementine Ford always play the victim? As you have probably all seen, she regularly shares screenshots of...
Clementine Ford Man Bashing Quotes
I have had many requests for Clementine Ford Man Bashing Quotes, as people want to show others what a man hating feminazi she is....
Sign this petition to fire Clementine Ford
Clementine Ford is a hypocrite