Thursday, February 20, 2025
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Tag: feminism

Please Don’t Call Me a Woman, Ever!

When I was growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, the worst thing you could call me was anything feminine like bitch, girl or...

Blokes Advice owner ‘sickened’ by harassment

The secret Facebook group page containing nearly 200,000 men have been the centre of a continued smear campaign. Blokes advice member and leader Ian sims...

Clementine Ford vs Blokes Advice

There is a war on facebook between Clementine Ford and the secret group "blokes advice". The group "blokes advice" is reported to have a massive...

Teachers told to use gender neutral language

Teachers at the prestigious northwest Sydney school, Cheltenham Girls High School, have been asked to stop referring to students as “girls”, “ladies” and “women”,...

Clementine Ford teaching your children

Are your children safe? Misandrist Clementine Ford appears to be visiting local schools in Melbourne as a guest speaker. She is "teaching" students topics such...

Why you should never attack Clementine Ford

So recently I was thinking, why does Clementine Ford always play the victim? As you have probably all seen, she regularly shares screenshots of...