Sunday, December 22, 2024
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The double standard of height vs weight

Height vs weight double standard

Unless you're in the top 10% of men, dating will always be difficult. However spare a thought for shorter men - dating is not only...

EU bureaucrat threatens to FREEZE job offers for men

Feminist EU bureaucrat Kristalina Georgieva has threatened to freeze all job offers for men if gender targets for women are not reached. Kristalina Georgieva set the...
Feminists angry Facebook won't remove blokes advice page

Feminists angry Facebook won’t remove blokes advice group

Facebook have stated they will not be removing the secret group Blokes Advice. This is despite feminist group "The Red Heart Campaign" starting a petition with...
What happened to equality when paying on a date?

Feminists want equality, except when paying for dates

Most feminists still expect men to pay for them when out on a date.  This is despite them wanting "equality" and earning a wage...

Misogyny is now considered a hate crime

As you may have heard, misogyny is now considered a hate crime in the UK. What constitutes "misogyny"? "Nottinghamshire Police is recording incidents such as street...
stop man bashing

Dailytelgraph: Stop the man bashing. It’s time to fight back against feminism

Today I thought hell had frozen over when I read this article in the daily telegraph entitled Stop the man bashing. It’s time to...

The reason Clementine Ford became a feminist

Ever wondered why Clementine Ford became a feminist? Watch the video to find out!  
Proof women are also perverts

Proof women are also perverts

The dailymail have published a social experiment to show that men are perverts. In the video, a woman walks through a London Park in...
Feminists shut down blokes advice group

Blokes Advice owner ‘sickened’ by harassment

The secret Facebook group page containing nearly 200,000 men have been the centre of a continued smear campaign. Blokes advice member and leader Ian sims...

Has Clementine Ford been banned from Facebook? 

Many are wondering why Clementine Fords page is down from Facebook. Before you start celebrating, no she hasn't been banned unfortunately. It appears as though...