The government funded organisation that silences 49.8% of Australian citizens- men


Our Watch, a government-funded and privately funded organisation, which focuses on violence against women and children. While I do agree that this in itself is a noble course, helping women and children but in reality this is not enough as males lives matter as well.


Established in 2013 by the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments, Our Watch has been spreading their narrative that women and children are the only ones affected by violence and often silence and ignore  What they often forget is that violence and controlling behaviours are not gender related, it’s a trait, that is generally shared between genders.

With 9 directors Ms Natasha Stott Despoja, Dr Phil Lambert,Yassmin Abdel-Magied,Ms Kerry Chikarovski, Ms Dorinda Cox, ​Ms Sherryl Garbutt, Ms Caroline Gurney, Lieutenant General David Morrison AO (Retd) and Dr Anastasia Powell and a fair amount of notable ambassadors such as Rosie Battie you could safelly bet that the organisation will stay quiet every time there is a male victim of domestic violence.

The organisation that has $6,749,773 given to them last year by our government, $417,227 from privately funded from donations, $88,854 from interest revenue and $23,210 from other revenue that makes a grand total $7,279,064. With that much money essentially given to them, this could be argued as a major indicator of why they are quick to dismiss anyone that sees the whole picture. Why would they, domestic violence is a big cash cow for industries that evolve around female victims, especially since they don’t offer any on the ground help for victims of domestic violence. The question has got to be asked, could this money, in particularly the government money, should this be given to organisations that do help victims of domestic violence?


With their aim of preventing violence against women and children you would expect their main tactic would be to empower women, having a campaign such as “We are women, We are strong” or as simple as, “Be aware, seek help” instead of disempowering women and telling women that cause they are a women, they are a victim.

Another way to stop violence is to include everyone, and that would to bring men and male victims into the discussion. This would create an atmosphere where females and men, feminists and Anti-Feminists/MRA’s work together to eradicate domestic violence. That would make sense, and if you are reading this on Anti-Feminism Australia, you would know that common sense and feminism does not work together. Our Watch has chosen the most common modern-day feminist tactic, blame men and if that doesn’t work, blame anything associated with being a male.

How can anyone trust an organisation that cites Destroy the Joint as a source?

