Thursday, February 20, 2025

Clementine Ford bullies school boys after giving talk at school

Clementine Ford has been caught bullying 15 year old school boys on her twitter page after she gave a talk to them about "misogyny"...

Cassie Jaye Triggers Feminists on Sunrise and The Project

Cassie Jaye is currently in Australia for the ICMI (International Conference on Men's Issues) conference on the Gold Coast. While in Australia, she was interviewed...
bad girls advice

Bad Girls Advice – Facebook Double Standards

Last year feminists created an online petition to shut down the Facebook group "Blokes Advice". Feminists claimed that some men posted photos of women that...
What happened to equality when paying on a date?

Feminists want equality, except when paying for dates

Most feminists still expect men to pay for them when out on a date.  This is despite them wanting "equality" and earning a wage...
usc the red pill

Feminists protest The Red Pill screening at University of Sydney

Feminists have protested outside The Red Pill movie screening at the University of Sydney (USU). It is believed that police have arrested one person...

Is Clementine Ford guilty of child abuse?

Is Clementine Ford guilty of child abuse? It would certainly appear that way. Clementine Ford has publicly admitted that she is guilty of child...
Proof women are also perverts

Proof women are also perverts

The dailymail have published a social experiment to show that men are perverts. In the video, a woman walks through a London Park in...
stop man bashing

Dailytelgraph: Stop the man bashing. It’s time to fight back against feminism

Today I thought hell had frozen over when I read this article in the daily telegraph entitled Stop the man bashing. It’s time to...
Van Badham

Van Badham – The next Clementine Ford?

We have been hearing more of misandrist Van Badham in the media lately. For those who haven't heard, Van is a classic feminist who likes to play...

The reason Clementine Ford became a feminist

Ever wondered why Clementine Ford became a feminist? Watch the video to find out!